Should I Be Concerned about Wage Garnishment?

10 years ago

Wage garnishment occurs when creditors receive money directly from your paycheck to satisfy a debt. A court order is needed…

Timing and Bankruptcy: Why It’s Important

10 years ago

Bankruptcy is often viewed as a last resort. It is not until there are no other options and a person…

What is Debt Consolidation?

10 years ago

Debt consolidation is a tool to help you get your financial life organized. It can prevent more serious financial problems,…

Three Common Bankruptcy Myths and Why They Are Not True

10 years ago

There are many myths about bankruptcy and these myths often why people postpone filing. Unfortunately, the longer they wait to…

Five Signs the Time Has Come to Speak to a Bankruptcy Attorney

10 years ago

The problem encountered by many people with financial issues is recognizing the point at which to take action. Obviously, if…

How Does the Supreme Court Ruling on DOMA Affect Same Sex Couples and Bankruptcy?

10 years ago

Supreme Court DOMA Ruling Same-sex marriage is gaining legal recognition across the country. These changes have a significant impact on…

What are Your Options When Faced with Financial Hardship?

10 years ago

Facing financial hardship is a scary experience, but it is one that is quite common. As the economy ebbs and…

Upcoming Changes from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

10 years ago

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is an agency designed to protect consumers from the financial abuse of major companies. The…

Managing Student Loan Debt

10 years ago

The average college student borrows at least a portion of his or her tuition money to attend a four year…

How to Avoid Credit Card Fraud

10 years ago

Consumers were in shock this past holiday season when they heard sensitive financial information had been stolen from Target store…